#Thisiszürich #Behindthescenes The big Day production 17|08|2018

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Das Drei-Säulen-Modell der nachhaltigen Entwicklung(oft auch „Drei-Säulen-Prinzip der nachhaltigen Entwicklung“ oder „Drei-Säulen-Konzept der nachhaltigen Entwicklung“) geht von der Vorstellung aus, dass nachhaltige Entwicklung nur durch das gleichzeitige und gleichberechtigte Umsetzen von umweltbezogenen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Zielen erreicht werden kann. Nur auf diese Weise kann die ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Leistungsfähigkeit einer Gesellschaft sichergestellt und verbessert werden. Die drei Aspekte bedingen dabei einander.

Mit diesen drei Dimensionen der Nachhaltigkeit sind im Wesentlichen gemeint:
 Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit: Sie orientiert sich am stärksten am ursprünglichen Gedanken, keinen Raubbau an der Natur zu betreiben. Ökologisch nachhaltig wäre eine Lebensweise, die dienatürlichen Lebensgrundlagen nur in dem Maße beansprucht, wie diese sich regeneriere.

Ökonomische Nachhaltigkeit: Eine Gesellschaft sollte wirtschaftlich nicht über ihre Verhältnisse leben, da dies zwangsläufig zu Einbußen der nachkommenden Generationen führen würde. Allgemein gilt eine Wirtschaftsweise dann als nachhaltig, wenn sie dauerhaft betrieben werden kann. 
Soziale Nachhaltigkeit: Ein Staat oder eine Gesellschaft sollte so organisiert sein, dass sich die sozialen Spannungen in Grenzen halten und Konflikte nicht eskalieren, sondern auf friedlichem und zivilem Wege ausgetragen werden können#Thisiszürich #Behindthescenes


#thisiszürich The idea!!

Die ideale Marketing Kampagne wäre eine Community aufbauen zu können wo alle mögliche Fans über die Grundbasis der Plattform informiert sein könnten, die Strategie, Aufbau von Produkten, Street Fashion, Sport Fashion, Trainings Konzepte,  Workouts Methoden und den verschiedenen Angeboten von Force for Afrika  zu präsentieren.
Das werden wir nur erreichen, wenn wir mit Angel verschiedene Strecken in der Stadt filmen & Fotografieren können und das Ganze in einer Art Live Sendung dokumentieren. Danach produzieren wir kurze Filme mit anderen Sports-Szenerien.

Angel mit seinem Longboard ist ein ideales Beispiel um zu zeigen was Menschen erreichen können wenn sie ein Ziel vor Augen haben und dieses nicht mehr loslassen, dieses fix fokussieren (unlimitiertes fair play). Kombiniert mit einer perfekten Vorbereitung der Trainings Methode und ein gesunder Life Style im xtrem Sport egal mit welchen oder mehrere Sportart Gruppen, von Meditation bis Krafttraining, Ausdauer, xtrem psychologische Konzentration, Mut, Mobilität, Flexibilität. So wie ich das mit xtrem sport sehe, involviert dies alle mögliche Sport Methoden und je besser die Kombination sind, desto besser wird der Sportler. Das war der Grund wieso ich mich für den Namen FORCE als Platformname und Idee entschied, die Schweiz, die Bergen, die Kraft der Natur, die Inspiration, Respekt unseres zuhause die Erde, all dies war der Grund um eine solche Namens- Entscheidung zu treffen.

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Wie transformieren wir all dies und verbreiten diese Lebensfreude? Wir starten eine Media Kampagne in Facebook,Instagram, youtube und versuchen verschiedene Print- und Onlinemedien auf uns aufmerksam zu machen um sie zu informieren was wir alle zusammen auf die Beine stellen wollen.
Wir sind viel mehr als nur eine Sportplattform, wir sind eine ONE FORCE TRIBE Community, interessiert in einen sozialen Austausch, interessiert für Themen wie dem Klimawandel, interessiert von Themen wie Tap Water und das alles mit einem sozialem Gedanken als Hintergrund. Das Longboard, das FORCE  ist nur die künsliche Transformation von Materia zum Produkt, der Weg zu unserer Selbstverwirklichung...Race yourself.

FORCE FOR AFRICA möchte seine eigene Linie, Design und Events aufbauen. Die Methode ist eine Werbekampagne zu lancieren wo wir alle Fashion Style Design die wir in der Plattform anbieten auch in einem production Day filmen und fotografieren. Die 2 Tage Produktion sind gerade geplant um die ganze Plattform Idee zusammen zu stellen von Street Fashion, Street Fotographiert , Werbekampagnen, Solidarity Werbung, Fitness Training Methoden, ... am Ende möchten wir alle Spass haben mit dem allem was wir beruflich anbieten und damit genug Geld verdienen könne um unsere individuelle Lebensstyle zu decken. 

Wir werden die einzigen in der Schweiz sein, die eine solche geballte, frische, innovative Plattform kombiniert mit einem coolen Marketing Action plan kombiniert mit Sport, Lifestyle, Fun ...

Sequenzen & Szenarios Surprising diversity

Zurich’s characteristic streets, corners, squares and buildings have many exciting stories to tell.

The Niederdorf, the Oberdorf, and the Historic Present

On the northern end of the Zurich lake, facing the Limmat river, lies the historic core of Zurich. The so-called ‘Altstadt rechts der Limmat’ consists of the Niederdorf and Oberdorf. Since the economic and territorial growth of the city in the 13th century, these quarters were the foundation for development of trade and urban life.

The Niederdorf is not London’s West End, nor is it Bahnhofstrasse, its history and its urban morphology was not forged in the classic 19th century European image of the commercial street. The Niederdorf is historic, but its scale is that of a village and its story is modest. The location for such classic 19th century Zurich shops as Schwarzenbach and Schuhhaus Gräb, was at the beginning of the twentieth century a poor place where humble artisans worked and lived. The Niederdorf’s most interesting times were more recent, in the 1960s and 70s, when its cheap rents and untidy charm made it a magnet for Zurich bohemian society, for students, artists, the emerging gay scene, for the marginal, recreational, and not always legal activities of the city.

This Master’s Theme is an opportunity to discover and record what is special and valuable about this central part of Zurich. Like many historic city quarters, it is too easy to think about the Niederdorf in terms of clichés and to allow the historic to coalesce into a homogenous backdrop of heritage townscape. The first goal in this work must be to discover differences in scale and atmosphere that already exist in this place, and to develop a critical position with regards to how historic building fabric and urban morphology contribute to this quarter’s unique qualities. It is also important to begin to understand what is genuinely historic in this place, what is from the 20th century, and whether this matters. This process of survey and discovery should uncover the differences, both physical and social, between the Niederdorf and the Oberdorf, and how these sub-quarters are made up of even smaller parts with their own conditions and qualities.

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Ideas That Changed the World – Noble Prize Laureates at the University of Zurich

The University of Zurich is one of the leading research universities in Europe and offers the widest range of study courses in Switzerland.
Throughout the University’s history, outstanding researchers at UZH have been transforming the world with their ground-breaking discoveries. From Erwin Schrödinger’s revolution of physics to Paul Karrer’s seminal work on the chemical structure of vitamins to Rolf Zinkernagel’s discovery of how the human body recognizes virus-infected cells, the work of our pioneering scholars has been recognized with no less than twelve Nobel Prizes.

Dada Art Movement Tour 

The Dada art movement began in Zurich. On this fascinating city tour, lovers of Dadaism will find out how all the various artists, writers and performance artists found their way to Zurich – and how they turned the city on its head.

In 1916, exiled artists gathered in Zurich´s then disreputable Niederdorf district. Just a few meters from where Lenin was living in exile, Hugo Ball and his future wife Emmy Hennings established the legendary artist hangout Cabaret Voltaire, which welcomed all people, styles and schools of thought.

The Dadaists – as they began calling themselves – experimented with sound poems and simultaneous poems, collages and photo montages, and were undoubtedly the most international, noisiest and probably also the most innovative artists of their day.

From Zurich, they conquered the world with their humorous and ironic artworks and inspired subsequent movements like surrealism and pop art. The Dada city tour will introduce you to the initiators and show you where they used to hang out in Zurich.

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Outdoor Pools in Zürich

Zurich is a place to cool down with a summer swim in the river or lake.
Everyone finds a favorite place to swim in Zurich. Women meet at the ladies only Frauenbad am Stadthausquai, and men at the Freibad am Schanzengraben. And both these public pools open their doors as trendy outdoor bars under the stars in the evening.

At the Seebad Enge a lake swim is combined with views of the snow-capped Alps, at the Strandbad Mythenquai there's a 250-meter-long beach and at the Oberer and Unterer Letten river baths you discover a popular place to swim, chiefly for young adults, whereas the Strandbad Tiefenbrunnen is a bathing paradise for kids.

Flussbad Unterer Letten

The Unterer Letten is the oldest riverside bathing facility in the city of Zurich, and is a popular meeting place among local residents.
After jumping into the water, swimmers let themselves be carried downstream by the current. A few then fight against the current, but most clamber back on land and walk back to the start – where the fun begins all over again. There is also a pool for non-swimmers, a children’s paddling pool, and a 3-meter (10ft) diving platform. A kiosk sells barbecue specialties, fresh salads, pasta, and antipasti. In the evenings, cultural events are held regularly – as well as, in summer, an open-air movie theater.


Built in 1909 by architects Fissler and Friedrich, the bathing facility at Unterer Letten is the oldest riverside bath in the city of Zurich. In those days, the open-air wooden construction exceeded the scope of the usual box baths by far. It has still almost entirely retained its original state. In 1956, the facility was extended to include a non-swimmer pool and a paddling pool according to plans by Elsa and Ernst Burkhardt. In addition, the bath was classified as being worthy of preservation in 1986
Guests can relax under the shady pergolas, on the sun terrace towards the riverbank, or in the so-called “air bath”, with its sunbathing area and trees. Originally, the Unterer Letten was reserved exclusively for men; the women’s area with swimming pool at the upper end of the facility was added later. Nowadays, all the baths are open to both sexes.

Seebad Enge

The Seebad Enge outdoor bathing facility offers relaxation ‒ in summer with swimming, in winter in the sauna – and a fabulous view over Lake Zurich.

The Seebad Enge offers a swimming pool for women and a mixed-sex pool, both with lake access. The 44 meter (144 ft) long swimming lanes are anchored in the lake and enclosed by wooden planks. Visitors are treated to a spectacular view over Lake Zurich, the lakeside promenade, and the Alps on the horizon. Shiatsu, classic massages, and yoga courses are also offered. In addition, it is possible to hire stand up paddling equipment and book SUP courses.

At the kiosk, which houses a barbecue and bar, guests can enjoy light lunches, seasonal salads, oven-fresh bakery goods, and – in the evenings – barbecue specialties. The Seebad Enge swimming area also operates a sauna outside of the swimming season.

The two-part bath was built by Robert Landolt in 1959/60 and is thus one of Zurich’s youngest outdoor bathing facilities. The concrete construction is styled on the city’s traditional wooden box baths. Once segregated into men’s and women’s areas, nowadays the bath has still retained its women’s section, while the men’s side has given way to a mixed-sex area. The bath floats on the water and is accessed via a 30 meter (100ft) long wooden walkway.Bildergebnis für oberer letten

Enjoy a stroll along the Zurich lakeside.

There is always something to see and do in the green belt around the lower basin of the lake during the summer months. Here, inline skaters, bathers, jewellery vendors and street artists make for a colourful atmosphere. At the end of the lakeside promenade, at Zürichhorn, there is the Chinese Garden, a gift from Zurich's sister city Kunming. There are also several dining venues with lake views here including the Restaurant Lake Side, the Biergarten and the Fischstube. The Tiefenbrunnen beach and pedalo rental facility guarantee memorable adventures in Zurich.Bildergebnis für zürich garden

Discover the world of commodity trading in Switzerland

A Global Commodity Trading Hub Switzerland has a long and varied history when it comes to commodity trading.

Its origins go back to the fairs of the 15th century, when merchants from South and North Europe met in Geneva and other Swiss market towns to trade goods.

The 19th century saw the development of powerful family-owned trading businesses, based in or around the country's main industrial and commercial centers. Some examples are the Volkart Brothers (1851) based in Winterthur, and the Nestlé (1839) and André (1877) families in the canton de Vaud.

Active in the trade of imported raw materials such as cotton, coffee or coca, these companies helped establish Switzerland as a global center of trade in the 20th century.

In the 1920s grain trading houses established themselves in the area, ostensibly to be closer to their major client, Nestlé. A number of ex-Ottoman Turkish traders also came at that time - the city of Lausanne being a convenient stop on the London-Istanbul Oriental Express. The creation of the League of Nations and such organisations as the International Labour Organisation heightened Geneva’s “neutral” and “international” profile.

In the forties, Switzerland was positioned to become the ideal location for business in Europe: the Swiss franc being, with the US dollar, one of the two currencies freely exchanged. Moreover, the Swiss’ telephone system, excellent for the time, was essential for international trading. Subsidiaries of US companies concentrated here throughout the 1940s and ‘50s. During the Cold War period, Switzerland offered a neutral place to establish relationships and accelerate administrative procedures for trade in the Eastern Bloc.

In the 1960s, Egyptian cotton merchants looking to move their operations out of Nasser’s Egypt came to Geneva. With the first oil crisis (1973-1974), a number of oil traders joined them. In the 1990s, it was the turn of the Russian oil companies to set up offices in the area, as well as in and around Zoug, not far from Zurich, and Lugano, in the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland.

Thanks to an extremely specialised expertise, an international openness, a political and economic stability and strong competences in the financing of commodity trading and shipping, the Swiss Commodity Hub has today a leading position in international commodity trade.

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